Welcome Current & New Families

2023-24 Key Dates

September11 Term 1 Commences
October 2National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – No sessions.
9Thanksgiving – No sessions
November13Remembrance Day – No sessions
27No afternoon sessions
December15Last Day of Term 1
January10Term 2 Commences
February7-9No sessions – Away at a conference (To be confirmed)
19Family Day – No sessions
March 7Last Day of Term 2
April8Term 3 Commences
22Non -Instructional Day
May20Victoria Day – No Sessions
June 21Last Day of Term 3
JulySummer Programming TBC
AugustSummer Programming TBC

I’m coming to the end of my Masters in Special Education program! I finish in April. Thank you so much for the patience you have shown over the past 1.5 years.


Sessions are billed at the end of the month. There is a 3% surcharge for credit card payments. Please advise if you would like to pay this way.

You can view your invoices and download receipts at any time in the portal.

*Families who pay for sessions through the BC Government Autism funding receive invoices directly.

Progress Monitoring

At the beginning of each term, I create goals for your child and share them with you. At the end of teach term, I write a report and update the goals to show progress.

At the end of each session (if the parent isn’t present), I send an email update on the content covered in the session.

You will find links to your documents in the portal.

Useful Info For New Families:

Click for more information on the following topics.