Children want to spend time with their parents and as a parent you are the most important teacher in your child”s life. When families sit down to play Notch Hill Learning Systems, magic really happens. Children and parents alike are drawn into the process and soon look forward to it as a highlight of the day.
“Family connectedness is the highest protective factor in reducing the likelihood of experiencing negative outcomes for youth.” – McCreary Study 2008There are many studies showing the benefits of spending quality time with your children. The piece that is not talked about so much is that the importance lies in “quality” and not “quantity”. Studies show that a working Mom who spends 30 minutes at the end of the day focused on her child will likely have done more good than a stay at home Mom who has been around her child but not interacted and involved the child.
In one study, called “Ask The Children” by the Families and Work Institute. 1000 children from grade 3-12 were asked what they thought about the time spent with their parents. Results showed that children were more likely to rate their parents positively if the time spent together was relaxed and focused.
If you are the kind of parent who sees value in spending quality time with your children each day, try one of our play-based Learning Systems with our zero risk trial. See the results in 30 days for yourself or receive a full refund. Click here to find out which Learning System works best for your child.